Planning Application

RES has submitted a planning application for the Dunbeg South Extension Wind Farm, located west of the existing Dunbeg Wind Farm, in the townlands of Dunbeg and Dunmore approximately 6.2km northeast from Limavady, Co. Derry/Londonderry.

Electronic copies of the planning application and accompanying documents can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on the links below.

A hard copy of the application can be viewed at Limavady Library, 5 Connell Street, Limavady, BT49 0EA. Please contact the centre for opening days and times.

Volume 1

Volume 2 - Environmental Impact Assessment

Volume 3 - Environmental Impact Assessment Figures

Volume 4 - Environmental Impact Assessment Technical Appendices

Non-Technical Summary

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Site Location Plan

Click image to open


Infrastructure Plan - option 1

Click image to open


Infrastructure Plan - option 2

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Turbine Delivery Route

Click image to open


Zone of Theoretical Visibility, 15km radius

Click image to open

Reasons to support the Dunbeg South Extension Wind Farm

Delivering local jobs and investment

The renewables industry continued to deliver investment and jobs during the previous downturn and during the current cost of living crisis, with the ever-growing threat of climate change, it is more important than ever that we invest in a green economy. Dunbeg South Extension Wind Farm is predicted to deliver approximately £11.8 million into Northern Ireland’s economy, if consented.

Cheapest form of renewable energy

Onshore wind, alongside other renewable technologies, are the cheapest form of electricity generation. It can be deployed quickly and delivered at lower costs than hydro, marine technologies, and nuclear. 

Between 2020 and 2023, renewable electricity, of which around 80% was from onshore wind, saved each NI consumer £160 off their bills1.

Helping to tackle climate change

Northern Ireland’s Climate Bill sets a target of 80% of electricity consumption from renewable sources by 2030, and it is expected that 65% of this will need to come from onshore wind. If consented, Dunbeg South Extension Wind Farm would be capable of generating 16.8MW of clean, low cost electricity, equivalent to the electricity usage of more than 16,000 homes each year2.

Energy Security

A key policy driver for the development of renewable energy in Northern Ireland is the need to increase energy security. There are potential adverse impacts on local populations and the economy through highly volatile fuel costs, contributing to fuel poverty and high energy costs for businesses and industry.

In addition, increasing focus on home-grown renewable energy can deliver environmental and climate change gains, reductions in carbon emissions, as well as investment and employment opportunities.

With a lack of indigenous fossil fuels and no nuclear power stations, Northern Ireland is keen to develop the full range of its available renewable energy resources to optimise the contribution that renewables make to the overall energy mix.

Developed by a known and reputable developer

RES has been building wind farms in Ireland since the early 1990s with an office in Larne, employing many local people across a range of disciplines. RES has developed 26 onshore wind farms in Northern Ireland totalling in excess of 400MW and operates over 134MW of wind capacity across Northern Ireland.

RES also have a strong track record within Northern Ireland of consulting and working closely with the local community, key stakeholders, and the local supply chain to deliver projects which maximise much-needed inward investment. At sites constructed near Limavady in 2022, some 16 NI based contractors and suppliers were used during the construction phase.

If, having read the above, you would like to support the Dunbeg South Extension Wind Farm proposal, you can do so by submitting a comment on the Planning Portal. The planning reference is LA01/2024/1221/F.

2 The UK average domestic household electricity consumption (temperature adjusted) is taken from figures published by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS):